Soapbox Racing
Professional coaches guide you and your employees through this exciting team building event where every team needs to design and build their own soapbox racer.
Winning the race is the goal – and to do so, you have to work as a team. Starting with the driver and leading up to the team manager – every team member has to fulfill his or her tasks in order to be the winning team!
After the welcome, your Guests will be introduced to the content and the goals of this team building event. Subsequently the main part of this incentive starts: every team needs to develop and build a soapbox cart on their own!
In the afternoon the highlight is about to take place: the race! The stop watch will decide which team is going to win this event!
The roles for every team, depending on the number of members (5-8 Persons per Group)
2 Mechanics
2 Soapbox Designer
1 Resources Administrator
1 Driver
1 Marketing manager
1 Team manager and presenter
Suggested event sequence :
10.00 p.m. Welcome, Goal and Content Introduction
10.15 p.m. Start soapbox construction / development marketing strategy
12.30 a.m. Lunch
1.15 p.m. Part 2 soapbox construction
2.00 p.m. Team introduction
3.00 p.m. The race
4.00 p.m. Podium ceremony and debriefing
Are you still interested in offering your guests more? May we then suggest one of the following packages to add to you team building day:
o Workshop in The Lindner Congress Hotel
o BBQ at the Nordschleife
o Entertainment program with overnight stay
o Green Hell Basic